Welcome to Concetta Cues
Women of a "Lovely Age"
The Podcast
Women of a "Lovely Age"
The Podcast
This podcast is about becoming aware of "cues" to living our best life -- Cues that we may have missed in the past. Whatever your "lovely age", hear them and --
A new episode is released 2nd and 4th weekend each month
Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts including Youtube.
This photo was taken about two weeks after I adopted Bennett. Actually he adopted Me!
He found his human.
I found unconditional love.
The pure joy captured in this moment is not easy to maintain.
I'm a woman of a "lovely age"
determined to approach the rest of my life
mindful of the role I must play if I want to live and thrive
in "happy"scenes like this one with
Bennett ❤️ 10/2007-4/2023
My mantra as I navigate through each day.
"You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and
change the ending"
- Attributed to C.S. Lewis,
Perhaps mis-quoted from "Mere Christianity".
But if the day sucks and I want to s-c-r-e-a-m
I embrace FDR's memorable motto:
"When you come to the end of your rope,
tie a knot and hang on."
"I wanna be happy, but I can't be happy 'tiI make you happy too"
-Lyricist Irving Caesar "No, No Nanette"
I want this theme for the entire world.
We all experience Pain, Depression, Fear, Anger, Hopelessness, Betrayal.
Attitude and gratitude are more powerful.
You've just been "cued".
Listen and Begin Again.
"Hang on". Change your ending.🥰🥰🥰
Shift from UN-happy to HAPPY!
or from Happy to HappIER!
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